This blog features highlights of Transform Drug Policy Foundation’s recently published comprehensive guide to regulating psychedelics. The Foundation is a leading advocate in drug policy reform that has been providing expertise to governments and the public about alternative modes of drug regulation for over two decades.
Given the considerable rise in popularity of psychedelics over recent years, the 124-page How to Regulate Psychedelics: A Practical Guide - by Steve Rolles and Ester Kincová maps out how non-medical use of these substances may be responsibly regulated.
“Research into the medical use of psychedelics, and its attendant public discourse, are both relatively well-advanced. Yet non-medical use has remained marginalized in much of the public and debate,” the guide states. “This guide, therefore, focuses on the policy questions, raised by the reality of extensive non-medical use of psychedelic drugs.”
The guide also aims to “help inform emerging developments at this critical moment in psychedelic policy evolution,” as governments across the globe continue to reconsider prohibitory laws surrounding psychedelics.
Principles for decriminalizing psychedelics
Several US cities have decriminalised psychedelics in recent years, removing and reducing criminal penalties for their use. However, with considerable variation in current strategies, the guide recommends key guiding principles to underlie all psychedelics decriminalization.
These principles include removing any punishment and pre-existing criminal records for personal psychedelic use. They include being allowed to grow psychedelics at home freely and share small amounts among peers, as long as the sharing wasn’t part of a financial transaction.
The guide also discourages having “threshold amounts” - maximum quantities of psychedelics someone can legally own for personal use. It acknowledges how changes in foraging seasons, cultivation cycles, and varying consumption behaviors make it difficult to determine how much someone should be allowed to own at a given time.